Всем привет!
В наш город наконец пришла весна, серые деревья покрылись зеленью, у меня расцвели тюльпаны, небо голубое, воздух прозрачный (что для Челябинска немного непривычно))), в общем, чувствуется приближение лета.
Под влиянием красок и солнца у меня получился такой блокнот - я люблю создавать ржавые эффекты, люблю патину, поэтому здесь яркие цвета ржавчины)) Практически все мои блокноты покрылись патиной - этот не исключение. Обложка обтянута кожзамом серого цвета, на корешке декоративные элементы из коричневого кожзама. Есть закладка с шестеренкой, а сам блок с черно-белой печатью.
Здесь мой любимый плетеный каптал и много любимых шестеренок и брадсов.
На обложке есть рамочка, куда можно вставить инициалы владельца.
По краям я прошлась бронзовой акриловой краской, дабы создать эффект потертостей, а сама обложка покрыта лаком для долговечности.
Формат А5, 200 страниц
Spring finally arrived in our city, the gray trees were covered with greens, my tulips blossomed, the sky was blue, the air was transparent (which is somewhat unusual for Chelyabinsk))), in general, the approach of summer is felt.
Under the influence of colors and sun, I got such a notebook - I like to create rusty effects, I love the patina, so there are bright colors of rust here)) Almost all my notebooks are covered with patina - this is no exception. The cover is covered with leatherette gray, on the spine decorative elements of brown leatherette. There is a bookmark with a gear, and the block with a black-and-white seal.
Here is my favorite wicker captal and many favorite gears and brads.
On the cover there is a frame where you can insert the initials of the owner.
On the edges I went through bronze acrylic paint to create an effect of scuffs, and the cover itself is varnished for durability. А5, 200 pages (Google translator)
Формат А5, 200 страниц
Spring finally arrived in our city, the gray trees were covered with greens, my tulips blossomed, the sky was blue, the air was transparent (which is somewhat unusual for Chelyabinsk))), in general, the approach of summer is felt.
Under the influence of colors and sun, I got such a notebook - I like to create rusty effects, I love the patina, so there are bright colors of rust here)) Almost all my notebooks are covered with patina - this is no exception. The cover is covered with leatherette gray, on the spine decorative elements of brown leatherette. There is a bookmark with a gear, and the block with a black-and-white seal.
Here is my favorite wicker captal and many favorite gears and brads.
On the cover there is a frame where you can insert the initials of the owner.
On the edges I went through bronze acrylic paint to create an effect of scuffs, and the cover itself is varnished for durability. А5, 200 pages (Google translator)